I aspire to continually “pay it forward” by actively (1) sharing research with the non-scientific community, (2) getting involved with policy, and (3) inspiring health-promoting lifestyles.
(1) I served as the outreach coordinator for UCLA Psychology in Action. Throughout the academic year, we shared relevant psychology topics to diverse populations including elementary and high school students in the Los Angeles community, and children from disadvantaged neighborhoods. You can check out the group's work here.
(2) I served as the health psychology representative and 2015 Chair for the APA Science Student Council. You can check out the accomplishments of this council here. Although my term is now over, I continue to be an advocate for psychological science. You can read more about my stance here.
(3) I served as a graduate student researcher for the UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative. My work promoted the study of food science and the practice of health-promoting behaviors at UCLA. On a more personal level, I have been a dancer since coming out of the womb. I aim to never forget the benefits of exercise on physical and mental health, and to dance so others never forget too. I love cooking vegetables for my friends in appealing ways. Broccoli can be sexy too (if you give it a chance). I also love and respect this planet Earth and will pick up trash for you if you drop it in a hurry.
Do not be fooled, however. I am not one to stigmatize health-compromising behavior. There is a chance you will catch me at a Taco Bell ordering fiesta potatoes. What I am one to do is listen, analyze, and try to help. I frequently think about quality of life and how to best achieve it, and I hope through my research we can find a way where we all can still enjoy the pleasures in life without major detriments to personal, public, global, and environmental health.
(1) I served as the outreach coordinator for UCLA Psychology in Action. Throughout the academic year, we shared relevant psychology topics to diverse populations including elementary and high school students in the Los Angeles community, and children from disadvantaged neighborhoods. You can check out the group's work here.
(2) I served as the health psychology representative and 2015 Chair for the APA Science Student Council. You can check out the accomplishments of this council here. Although my term is now over, I continue to be an advocate for psychological science. You can read more about my stance here.
(3) I served as a graduate student researcher for the UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative. My work promoted the study of food science and the practice of health-promoting behaviors at UCLA. On a more personal level, I have been a dancer since coming out of the womb. I aim to never forget the benefits of exercise on physical and mental health, and to dance so others never forget too. I love cooking vegetables for my friends in appealing ways. Broccoli can be sexy too (if you give it a chance). I also love and respect this planet Earth and will pick up trash for you if you drop it in a hurry.
Do not be fooled, however. I am not one to stigmatize health-compromising behavior. There is a chance you will catch me at a Taco Bell ordering fiesta potatoes. What I am one to do is listen, analyze, and try to help. I frequently think about quality of life and how to best achieve it, and I hope through my research we can find a way where we all can still enjoy the pleasures in life without major detriments to personal, public, global, and environmental health.
*The pictures on this page come from my personal collection. Please be kind and do not share or alter them.